SMEs still Ignoring Websites as Black Friday approaches

Virtual office providers in London and elsewhere should champion websites for small businesses as research shows dearth of online trading presences for SMEs.

According to a report commissioned by website hosts GoDaddy, 60 per cent of businesses with five employees or less aren’t cottoning onto the need for a digital presence and are trading without a website.

Of 500 SMEs polled, 54 per cent of those without a feel a website is unneccessary due to an estimated lack of growth for their business.

However, 60 per cent of smaller companies who have a website reported big expectations for their revenues to grow hugely in the next three to five years.

There are over five million small businesses in the UK, with a further 500,000 new businesses due to be added this year. 

With many shoppers flocking to online stores for clothing, food and entertainment, it would be in the interests of SMEs, marketers, brand designers and the virtual office providers that support them to instigate a sea change in small business' attitudes towards the digital marketplace. 

Speaking to The Telegraph, Stefano Maruzzi, GoDaddy vice president for Europe, said that any business being online will ultimately impact growth, communication and even product range.

The reality is many of the smallest businesses are still to make the leap and it could have a big impact on small business growth and transformation in the UK.

The news comes as Royal Mail recently announced reservations about the upcoming Black Friday on November 27th, saying SMEs wouldn't be able to cope with the amount of orders and increased visits to their website. 

Black Friday is the perfect time for SMEs to utilise a Virtual Telecoms or Virtual PA solution while phones are ringing off the hook.

The 2014 Black Friday saw consumers spend £810 million online, a number that will only increase. Last year even high street retailers' websites, including Curries, Argos and Game crashed due to demand.